interview VVORK


VVORK: curating original content. Een artlog met een waanzinnige dagelijkse feed van de allerhoogste kwaliteit. Momenteel het beste kunstlog van de planeet.

Wie zit er achter

Een nano-interview. Want spraakzaamheid zit nu net niet in des VVORK’s palet.

(Eerder op trendbeheer: interview Régine Debatty van We Make Money Not Art.)

Who is VVork?

Aleksandra Domanovic, Oliver Laric, Christoph Priglinger, Georg Schnitzer.

Our personal projects include exhibitions, publications, music, videos, fashion, bodybuilding and more. We do use vvork for self-promotion.

Friendship brings us together. We all live in Vienna. We have jobs as artists, curators, editors and designers.

Is the lack of design of VVork a design?

It’s design and it’s the most sophisticated we could do.

The only categorie you use is city. Why only the city categorie?

We did not want to indulge in the tiresome debate of categorizing art and design. Countries would have been too nationalistic. Choosing cities seemed to be an unusual but logic approach to categorizing.

Do you have any idea where VVork is going?

We would like to curate more physical exhibitions and work on further projects with print publications. The Documenta would be fun.

How many visitors has VVork?

Currently 3000 to 4000 a day. Our highest was 30.000 after being linked from boingboing and Shaggy’s official site.
The BoingBoing link was to Carpet Invaders by Janek Simon.

It’s nice to know that some people have similar interests.

Who are your favorite artists?

We have some favourites we have not posted as of yet. The following are some of our favourites from the ones posted:

Helmut Smits
Körner Union
Roxy Paine
Tim Knowles
Matthias Herrmann
Florian Ladstätter
Xu Zhen

About Jeroen Bosch 4761 Articles
Smaakmakend sinds jaar en dag: onafhankelijk kunstenaar, tentoonstellingmaker, trendbeheerder en oprichter art agent orange, artist run art agency. Eigen werk onder Meer info zie

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