Shopping with the Tate

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“It is 10.40, 20 minutes before the VVIPs come charging in and there are purchases to be made – no time for small talk. […] There is some haggling over price, which somehow surprises me. It is easy to forget that this is a market and market rules apply. And if you are representing Tate, you have no little muscle.

[…] It suddenly feels like we are in Carpet Warehouse, keeping it real. […] But our next stop is to watch a video of ants pushing small coloured discs around. […] Morgan asks to see the ending because she “missed it when I saw it in New York”. (For the record, nothing really happens.)

[…] But what about the shopping, I ask. It must be fun, rampaging around like a kid in a sweet shop for a couple of hours. “Oh no,” she says […] The shopping is rather awful.””

About Jeroen Bosch 4761 Articles
Smaakmakend sinds jaar en dag: onafhankelijk kunstenaar, tentoonstellingmaker, trendbeheerder en oprichter art agent orange, artist run art agency. Eigen werk onder Meer info zie

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