Born in the Streets @ Fondation Cartier

Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier

Boris Tellegen

Ook geopend afgelopen weekend, Born in the Streets een groepstentoonstelling in Fondation Cartier in Parijs. Met werk van o.a. Basco Vazko, Cripta, JonOne, Olivier Kosta-Théfaine, Barry McGee, Nug, Evan Roth, Boris Tellegen, Vitché, and Gérard Zlotykamien.

T/m 29 november a.s.

(foto’s Luuk Kloosterboer)

Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier

Boris Tellegen

Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier

Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier

Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier

Barry McGee

Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier

Evan Roth

Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier

Gérard Zlotykamien

Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier


Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier


Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier

Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier

Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier

Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier

Roken in de tuin.

Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier

Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier

Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier


Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier

Born in the Streets @ Foundation Cartier

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