Quiet is the New Loud @ Hotel Mariakapel

Quiet is the New Loud @ Hotel Mariakapel

Introduction speech and presentation by Teresa Iannotta and Moosje Goosen.

T/m 4 juli a.s.


(een bericht van Stefano Calligaro)

Quiet is the New Loud @ Hotel Mariakapel

Overview of the show with works by Andrew Sroka, Stefano Calligaro and David Stamp.

Quiet is the New Loud @ Hotel Mariakapel

Sjoerd Westbroek

Quiet is the New Loud @ Hotel Mariakapel

Quiet is the New Loud @ Hotel Mariakapel

Quiet is the New Loud @ Hotel Mariakapel

Quiet is the New Loud @ Hotel Mariakapel


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