Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

HLP made its fair debut and featured The Superhero Project by Abner Preis.

(Een bericht van Harlan Levey)

Preis was on hand all 5 days and while no tight count was kept, it is safe to say he brought out the hero in no less than 300 fair guests. All in all I found the fair outstanding. It was the first fair I have ever been at where all the galleries seemed satisfied with visitor traffic, overall quality and even sales. Scope director Mollie White did a fantastic job and we met some very interesting artists like Marc Horowitz who aside from Abner was the only artist we might have recognized as pure Mousse.

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

Superhero Project @ Scope Miami 2010

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