Kathrin Köster @ FrontViews

MK heeft nog een tweede klaarblijkelijk geheime galerie in Berlijn: FrontViews. Op de MK-site is niets over FrontViews of over Kathrin Köster te vinden.

De beelden van de tentoonstelling (via een herboren Mister Motley) maken nieuwsgierig.

Naar Nederland ermee, Emmo en Karmin, maak er nieuws van!



Berlijnverslag Mr Motley:


‘Website’ Kathrin Köster:


About Jeroen Bosch 4761 Articles
Smaakmakend sinds jaar en dag: onafhankelijk kunstenaar, tentoonstellingmaker, trendbeheerder en oprichter art agent orange, artist run art agency. Eigen werk onder jeroenbosch.com Meer info zie trendbeheer.com/jeroen-bosch


  1. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
    My name is Stephan Köhler and I am working together with Emmo Grofsmid and Karmin Kartowikromo at the new space frontviews. This is ment as a project gallery showing new,unusual and therefore surprising positions of artists, who have their residence in Berlin right now.
    Every month we are presenting (at most times) a solo show, giving the talents the platform in Berlin, that they deserve. The enviroment of this big international gallery building has the best opportunities to introduce the body of work to an enthusiatic and often professional audience. So lets see what will happen in the near future…
    All the Best to Rotterdam and the Netherlands, hope to see you soon. Stephan Köhler

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