Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Dogs Arrive

As seen by the Dogs of Shame:

“Sweatboxing II is een tentoonstelling van jonge Nederlandse en Poolse kunstenaars die worden vertegenwoordigd door Showroom MAMA en LETO Gallery (Warschau, Polen). Sweatboxing II is de tweede episode van Sweatboxing, een groepstentoonstelling in Showroom MAMA (2 april – 29 mei 2011) die werd samengesteld door Gerben Willers.”

T/m 12 november a.s.


(Een bericht van TheRev)

Update 22:25, fotoverslag van MAMA curator Gerben Willers ingevoegd.

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Dogs eat.

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Dogs get a new car.

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Dogs get robbed.

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery


Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Open a bank account.

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

True dat

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery


Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Dog eat dog

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Dog style

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

First class flight

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery


Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Ne hericopter

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Don’t touch the chicken

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Chartlotte Schleiffert

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Radek Szlaga

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Abner Preis

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Aleksandra Waliszewska

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Koen Taselaar

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Wayne Horse

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Dogs of Shame

T/m 12 november aanstaande in Warschau, Polen


Update 22:25, fotoverslag van MAMA curator Gerben Willers ingevoegd.

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Bad ass

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Bijna dronken kunstenaar nummer 1, Koen Taselaar.

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Bijna dronken kunstenaar nummer 2, Abner Preis.

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Bijna dronken kunstenaar nummer 3, Wayne Horse.

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Black Sabbath cover band

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Charlotte Schleiffert en Gerben Meinders

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Charlotte Schleiffert

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Dogs of Shame performance

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Koen Taselaar, Aleksandra Waliszewska en Charlotte Schleiffert

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Pre-party, painting the walls.

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Preis enjoys the shit.

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Sweatboxing 2 @ LETO Gallery

Wayne Horse

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  1. Jungs,
    Mc it und mc it,
    Gerade nach vorn, ohne deckung, scheiss die wand an.
    Nur ein HUND kann sowas. kriegs hund.
    Ich, beckenbauer, stehe einfach sau auf euern sound. Super qualli. super texte. es stimmt einfach alles. von vorne bis hinten. wie bei soner richtig geilen nuttensau. aber das nur am rande.
    Ich feier euch wie meinen mallorca urlaub. dank euch dogs,
    Euer beckibaui

  2. Dear D.O.$.
    When I started in this business I would have been willing to pay to be in it from my own pocket, that is how much I wanted to be in this business. Today, it`s funny saying that, because now I am probably the most paid actor in porn, because one day I decided that this was going to be my life. People told me that I was good, and I realized that I couldn`t work for everyone, because I would kill myself with work, so I raised my price several times, so that I could get to a point where only certain people could afford me. As an actor, I like working with girls who are here for the same reason I am here, to have fun and make good movies. They give you real scenes with real passion and no bullshitting. I hate bullshitting.
    This is how i feel, and i am happy and gratefull. The album ‘shiny shit’ underlines my ‘no nonsense’ state of mind.
    Keep it real,
    Ps, special shoutout to Phardphaze, guinies know..

  3. SOme might say that giving a nation freedom and independence is important, Others might say that the freedom of others should be taken. SOme feel that both the nation and its freed people should be taken. SOem think that people should be free withouth thinking of others and their freedom. Take both the freedom away form its peole- and you are helping strangle the world- DO$ keep doing as you are doing, and the world will be your open oyster.

    IT alo Calvino

  4. Jah bless, burn the Tree. bumble clot to those wolves in sheep clothing- trying to shoot the DOS down. Bring a small ax to chop down the big tree- DOS$ catch dat chiekn up- chop up, chop up, chop up. Burn Two times in the Name of HIM! Scream down at babylon who shoot the DO$ as they are breakin in- to the mans house, I shot the Sherif, but I didnt shoot the DOS- Bless HIM, Smoke it up= Spreak knowledge and bles the imperial powers for they will fall- blessssss

    burn trees-

    SHout down-

    Bob is smiling down at you-

    Rita Marley.

  5. a dear DO$

    sank you so much fo great arbum “shiny Shit” when we are creaning up de desvistation from Tzunami- we go in car rong time befo reach de nucrear reactor- we Rove de cruaing song. Hydroponics and Hydroric and dats how it rorrs.

    sank you-

    Suzuki Nagasaki and Frriends

  6. Rock on DOS,
    ME and Demi and chaz from the london police are true fans!
    Listening to the ep ALL. THE. TIME.
    Twitter soon,
    Yours ASH

  7. По-русски

    вы как KGB назад в дне никакое дерьмо для никто. Но я скажу вас это если вы всегда пробуете получить в мою шпаргалку, то, я wrestle вы к growned и подаст вы к моей собаке AK47. Но в виду того что мы на такой же команде, я воюю с вами полностью .with мой AK47, и моим F16, также, как мое .45

    Putem up Putin.

  8. Dear DO$, as you might have heard my frined and great amazing business onded man, Steve Jobs has passed away. He was lsitening to yoru album days before he passed, and has requested your songs to be played on every Ipod,Ipad,Iphone, and MAc ever created. So we are trying to give him his request and we will play “DOgs of Shame in HEaven”. He always wanted to meet More that 20 dead rappers- and now bless his sould, he will. Thanks you again for making his dying days a bit more pleasant.


    Tim Cook
    CEO Apple


  10. Dear DO$,
    As you know i am more into the darkside jams.
    So my absolute favorite must be’ to the other hood’, tremendous.
    So dark. I know dos is black, but this kind of darkness demands for a dark lord such as myself, that is why i listen to it relentlessly.
    Yours Nick Cave

  11. Dear DO$,

    When the song ‘planet rock’ was written and i started hiphop, ‘shiny shit’ was what i had in mind as an aim for this movement.
    Its not an ep, its a movement.
    Keep it shiny.

  12. When I get dat money fo de Noble piez prize- we gonna get it on!

    Karman “Iron Woman, “The Mother of Revolution” and “The Spirit of the Yemeni Revolution”

  13. DOS- I just got a new DO$ tat on my arm next to my three children.

    cheers mates.


  14. Hi DO$,
    And thenks, Im a spice girl power. Sporty, but when oi listen to yer record i pure want to be your b…

  15. Dear DO$,

    This time its a tent, with in it all the chicken we had and the sneakers you brought and the jewels you bought and the condoms, no pussy good enough to catch the bug (lolz). thanks fro everything.
    I am so happy to hear that you will also create sculptures now.
    TAhank YOU!

  16. Hombres,
    Gracias, Thank you, holmes.
    You know i tattooed the likes of Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Eminem, Method Man, Xzibit, Prodigy, Travis Barker, Scott Raynor, Bow Wow, Fredrik Ljungberg, Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé Knowles, Danny Trejo, Adil Omar, Jules Jordan, Redman and Jay Bothroy. That cool, that good.
    When i first met mc it and mc it, of course i couldnt wait to ink therm, holmes.
    They done tell me my tattoos good. i know, but to tattoo them, they said i have to prackkice even more.
    I do, holmes.
    I prackkice every day.
    Thank you DO$, now i prackkice so much.
    And next time, pleeth DO$, i will ink you.
    Thank you,
    MR Cartoon.

  17. Dear DO$,
    Thank you for being there.
    Mc it and Mc it, set an example. A positive torch of hiphop community spirit. in dog eat dog times.
    Please DO$, keep the fire burnin. We came together to listen to the ep, and reminiss on times past.
    Dogs of Shame, if you werent in the rap-game, only god knows where the rap game would be today.
    Thank you, and eat dat chicken up,
    the mothers.

  18. dddddeeeeearaararraarararr




  19. Yo DO$,
    Thank you for your new ep. I immediately asked a poor village in afrika to paste a big black and white zerox of your eyes all over all of their houses.
    thank you.

  20. DO$

    Gracias tanto por la venta de mí su nuevo álbum. Puesto que he estado ausente por algún tiempo éstos más allá de pocas semanas que ha sido un placer tener un poco gusto del hogar el escuchar sus ideas e historias su gusto que era trasero en el Brasil, sentándose en favellas, golpeando una poder con el pie alrededor, y comiendo pescados frescos y zambulliéndose para el dinero que es lanzado en nosotros de turistas gordos como nos zambullimos en el mar. La mierda brillante es mucho como “100 años de soledad” acepta mucho mejor.


  21. I only been 16 when jay took me onto dat first hitsingle and video.
    I hear dem dogs iz a bit older dan dat, dat good. You can feel dem rhymes havin been thought over. I wish i woulda been more like dem dogs in my carreers, but what done iz done.
    Doglife. Thank you,

  22. Liebe DO$,
    DAnk euch. Ich bin fan seit stunde eins!
    Was ihr fuer integration getan habt, schafft ein land in 10 jahren nicht.
    Da koennen die migrations hintergruendler workshops geben wie sie wollen.
    Ich sage danke D.O.$.
    Deutschland sagt Danke.
    Eure KAnzlerin.

  23. YO DO$,
    When i came to the bronx at only twelve years of age, i was strong already. Strong, cause my motherland jamaica builds its children in that way. I was so strong that kids around my block would call me Hercules, but i picked up the mic. Min d and muscle, i was no hercules, i was kool.
    So i start calling myself Kool HErc, you know.
    We write the year 1973, it was me and my boys who arrange dat legendary first hiphop party ever in the bronx, the “back to school jam”.
    Shiiit, even today the 11th of august each year is hiphop day in the bronx.
    And i know you know dat dogs, i know you know.. im just telling.
    And i want to thank you, cause me, kool herc, im one old man now.
    I still got it, but i done get old.
    its good to see the torch being passed on to worthy hands, dear DO$.
    You make hiphop happy, and that makes kool herc a satisfied old fart.
    Thank you,

  24. Dear DO$, im sorry that I bother you again- its just tht I cant sleep so well- maybe its the time dffernce, or maybe its the fact that I am now free. You know they say that it takes just as long to get over being incarcerated as it does to be incarcerated? Any way, im sure you understand, I feel that everything that I feel you understand. YEsterday, I went out for the first time, and to tell you that the fresh American air felt good…. IT felt great, the sweet smell of home, my sister next to me, driving in a car, feeling the cool wind in my har- it was all I had dreamed abot while being away. My sister, being the greatest sister ever asked me where I would like to go. Well DO$, it was no even a though in my mind. “KFC” I said- As we were pulling into the drive through, there was a red headed fat girl with braces on- and she asked me what I would ike ot order- and then, as if by magic- I told her about my expereince in prison, and how not to do the same things I did-… Like lie in court over nothing, tell stories about all my sexual experiences etc… It felt really good to be able to share some knowledge- something I know the DO$ belive in so much. It seemed like a month while I waited for my Bucket to come- but when it did- I opened up the Lid and gave my blessings and said my prayers- gave a shout out to all my Home Girls still in prison-… and the first bite- well, it was the first time i really felt free.

    DO$. thank you again so much, for talking about the small pleasures in life-

    yours always and forever


  25. Dear DO$, im sorry that I bother you again- its just tht I cant sleep so well- maybe its the time dffernce, or maybe its the fact that I am now free. You know they say that it takes just as long to get over being incarcerated as it does to be incarcerated? Any way, im sure you understand, I feel that everything that I feel you understand. YEsterday, I went out for the first time, and to tell you that the fresh American air felt good…. IT felt great, the sweet smell of home, my sister next to me, driving in a car, feeling the cool wind in my har- it was all I had dreamed abot while being away. My sister, being the greatest sister ever asked me where I would like to go. Well DO$, it was no even a though in my mind. “KFC” I said- As we were pulling into the drive through, there was a red headed fat girl with braces on- and she asked me what I would ike ot order- and then, as if by magic- I told her about my expereince in prison, and how not to do the same things I did-… Like lie in court over nothing, tell stories about all my sexual experiences etc… It felt really good to be able to share some knowledge- something I know the DO$ belive in so much. It seemed like a month while I waited for my Bucket to come- but when it did- I opened up the Lid and gave my blessings and said my prayers- gave a shout out to all my Home Girls still in prison-… and the first bite- well, it was the first time i really felt free.

    DO$. thank you again so much, for talking about the small pleasures in life-

    yours always and forever


  26. Skiiin, Bun dem wallf.
    Ita bout time. eek am mouse say, say long ago. dem dog bite. be heavy. teef or no teef.
    Light it up. fireball. Boomba. Wat dem dogs say? Shiny shit, dat da mansklad word!
    DOS. Gracias.
    puff puff,
    Peter Tosh

  27. It happened to me at 21:00 hours, I was arresting a african American for graffiti on the 95 going north on the San Diego Highway, when I heard out of his speaker system a music which made me cringe with anger and questions my life as a actor/ police man.

    how could this sound do such a thing in such a short time. ( I was listening for a second). How could music affect me so much? I slapped the African AMerican with an Akido chop to the neck and broke his arm- took his cd- and I saw it was Shiny SHit by The Dogs Of Shame. I went immediatly to my house, and looked you up on the “internet” to discover that many people have been effected by your music in different ways-. I flew directly to Japan to speak to my Akido master- who told me that he was a student of your Martial Arts as well as a lover of KFC. I have been studying your moves and tunes- and I have retired from my job as police officer- realizing that the only way to make a change int he world we live in, is by spreading your words of wisdom and world peace through chiken eating etc…

    thank you DO$ I will never be a cop again.

    Steven Segal.

  28. Dear DO$,
    You may remember me from my movie universal soldier that has one guy in it that made a chain of HUMAN EARS.
    Thats how i felt upon first listening to shiny shit by, of course, the dogs of shame.
    One man with a gun and unlimited amunition can only kill so many people in his lifespan.
    A span tht seems short and insignificant in comparison with things like the universal.
    Shiny shit, hath been released. Unlike human flesh this dic lives forever. and will keep gaining strenghth.
    compliments soldiers.
    I am in russia now.

  29. Dear DOS,

    thank you so much for all your great shows and congrats for the amazing album, which will hit the top 10 any day now. fo sho.

    We have seen you grow from puppies to full-blown, big ass, never stopping, rapping machines. Every other rapper calling himself dog is a rip-off, because you guys rule and bark the hardest.

    Yours truly,

  30. Mr DO$,

    Thank you for your day and good blessings to you.

    I have in my posession a billion dollars of money from my late pastor and friend Herbert Applegasam. The amount of many millions of money.

    I am currently in paradise falls africa on a mission from our holy lord himself. I am unable to retraive money from his account as i am on my mission from god and can not stop to do little things.

    Your music is full of butt pleasures and wonder. I sit and pray to it on a daily basis, hoping the lord does not send you to hell and raises your music to new levels of his glory.

    Please send me your Social Security #’s as well as bank info, telephone machine number and mailing adress so i may praise the lord in your name and succumb to many wealth you deserve to shine in name of him.

    My church of the holy child is full of love, and wish you the best days in future had.

    Blessings and wishes of glory in his name,

    Rev. Muman Umaguna Suckuoff Hambiatio

  31. Amatissimi, gentilissimi giovani uomini di questa generazione. Il vostro nuovo album Shiny Shit mi fa diventare yovane e felice come quando avevo Vittorio De Sica come regista. La canzone “Eat that Shit” mi fa ricordare quando vissi Miss Italia, nel lontano 1950…che meraviglia.

    DOGS of SHAME IN HEAVEN è comunque la mia conzone preferita. Il mio amico Dino Risi sarebbe felice di acoltarla con me, se non fosse in paradiso lui stesso …pace all’anima sua…

    SHINY SHIT è il miglior contributo alla storia della musica che abbia mai ascoltato…accattatevillo!!!


  32. no jokes, mc it and mc it deal with all topics of life and hip hop in the rappical, it’s really underrated in this thread and should get more positive feedback (and sales of the album)

  33. We sent the Dilla our album and he is now featuring it on his web site!!!!!!


    MC IT

  34. Dear DO$, or should i write MC it and Mc it?
    As you know i am into handicapping myself and jumping on a trampoline with a brush and shit.
    yo. dat album, its real good.
    I also like your tribute to whitney houston as it reminds me how this one time, i tied myself up really strong and then had to try and reach the wall opposite the wakl that i tied myself to and it was really difficult, and then i would make a brushstroke.
    Keep up the good work,
    mathew ‘math’ barney

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