Herinnert u zich de Vogels nog?

Zo kan het ook: postbeambte Herb en bibliothecaresse Dorothy verzamelen door de jaren heen wat werkjes. In 1991 is de MEGAcollectie geschonken aan de National Gallery. Wie de documenaire nog niet zag: must see, check trailer.

Vogel 50×50 is al een tijdje los. Vijftig musea in vijftig Amerikaanse staten krijgen vijftig werken uit de collectie.

Megumi Sasaki werkt aan een vervolg op Herb & Dorothy.

Voor 35$ ex shipping maakt u het project mede mogelijk en haalt u de DVD in huis:


About Jeroen Bosch 4761 Articles
Smaakmakend sinds jaar en dag: onafhankelijk kunstenaar, tentoonstellingmaker, trendbeheerder en oprichter art agent orange, artist run art agency. Eigen werk onder jeroenbosch.com Meer info zie trendbeheer.com/jeroen-bosch


  1. “Herb & Dorothy 50X50” Is Completed!

    Dear Friends and Family of Herb and Dorothy,

    We did it! With the help of each and every one of you, we’ve completed our film, “Herb & Dorothy 50X50”. I’m sure we had you wondering if it was ever going to be finished, and while there was no question in my mind it would be completed, there was the question of when. In the end, it took 4 years to complete the film. We apologize for keeping you waiting so long.

    Because the film is 100% independently-made, there were many financial setbacks (which is where you stepped in to help), as well as a change of course last summer, as you all know, when our beloved Herb passed away. His presence can be felt throughout the film, and my only regret is that Herb was not able to see this film.

    We unveiled the film to close friends and family at the Whitney Museum in New York City this week, and when the film was over, Dorothy was greeted with a standing ovation from the audience. When asked which, if any, artworks she misses most from their collection (which has now been cleared from the Vogel apartment and housed in museums across the country – which is what you will see in our new film), Dorothy’s answer was, “I just miss Herby.” Indeed, we all miss Herby.

    So what is next for us? Up immediately is Dorothy and my trip to Japan at the end of March for the Japanese premiere. It’s Dorothy’s first trip to Japan, and she is as excited as the Japanese are to meet her.

    Why are we releasing the film in Japanese theaters first, you ask. A legitimate question. In the US, we have submitted the film to several film festivals and are still waiting to be accepted. We’re getting antsy about the US release and are discussing the possibilities with distribution consultants, but at this time, we are having to be patient. We do hope you will understand.

    We will keep you updated on our trip to Japan, as always, on our Facebook page and on Twitter. Please stop by for real-time updates!

    We do hope the US release is not far behind, and when the release date is determined, you will be the first to know. Thank you again for your support of our project! We feel so blessed to share this moment with all of you.

    Our very best,

    Megumi Sasaki & Team Herb & Dorothy

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