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  1. there are so many similarities to what King MacCarthy says- about Rotterdam vs. Amsterdam- LA being Rotterdam and Amsterdam being NY. there is no market= no finanacial competition

    money for public spaces= Co-Ops

    = great time to open a gallery in Rotterdam

  2. “There was more sympathy and more opportunities for my work in Europe. Even in the 70s, there seemed to be more sincere interest in Europe than here. My work is dirty, the abject. Maybe that’s it. In one way, LA is a place that really isn’t interested in art. It has Hollywood and celebrities. Maybe in America, and certainly in the past, artists are seen as just one step above criminals.”

    En jippie..wij gaan onze kunstsector vormen naar Amerikaans model! Waar moeten al die Amerikaanse kunstenaars dan heen?

  3. your alternative? Government Funding?- not that it really means so much- but read the “power 100” artist list- how many Dutchies in that? Its a shit list anyway- but says that the big artist are all pushed by big galleries- Join the party-and then make coup! bring a great gallery to Rotterdam.

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