
Aanrader van de bovenste plank: vrijwel besloten voorstellingen voor beperkt publiek van meesterverteller/performer Abner Preis bij Gabriel Rolt. Bent u in de gelegenheid: doen!

“Here some images from “The Accidental Champion” I will be performing for three days “the Accidental Champion” which will be a live narration of the Silent Movie.

    Update 04-01, extra data ingevoegd:

Wednesday jan 9th 19:00
Thursday Jan 10th 19:00
Friday Jan 11th 19:00
Saturday Jan 12th 14:00, 16:00, and final performance 19:00

“The performances will be semi- private, 9 people per show, and I will performing three times through out the day starting at 14:00, 16:00, and 19:00. Every evening there will be a guest speaker, artist, performer who will give their own interpretation of “Happy Ending”. starting at 19:00. For more info, any one who would like to book a seat ( its free but space is limited) contact the Gallery: “







Wanneer en hoe te boeken bevraagt u bij Rolt. 100% avontuur gegarandeerd. Must see/do.

    Update 04-01, extra data ingevoegd:

Wednesday jan 9th 19:00
Thursday Jan 10th 19:00
Friday Jan 11th 19:00
Saturday Jan 12th 14:00, 16:00, and final performance 19:00

About Jeroen Bosch 4761 Articles
Smaakmakend sinds jaar en dag: onafhankelijk kunstenaar, tentoonstellingmaker, trendbeheerder en oprichter art agent orange, artist run art agency. Eigen werk onder Meer info zie


  1. i am happy to see that while not much changed in my neighborhood 20 years after the riots, the torch is being carried on elsewhere. i will not hurt myself to make other people laugh!

  2. yes…happy ending like in an asian massage parlour. I asked a very important dutch artist if she would like to join the performance-( the one that likes to strip and make money from it) . I have not heard from her yet… Ill try again…

  3. riots and happy endings, black and brown and white.
    dutch erotic performance artiste etc.
    show of the year.

  4. NO GO! I tried to contact the famous nude artist to talk about happy endings and about nudity as a happy ending…I miss understood the idea of the nude callender…

    I haven’t been shot down like that since I ran out of money at the tity bar….

  5. Update 04-01, extra data ingevoegd:

    Wednesday jan 9th 19:00
    Thursday Jan 10th 19:00
    Friday Jan 11th 19:00
    Saturday Jan 12th 14:00, 16:00, and final performance 19:00

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