Hey You! @ 1646


Schitterende fotoserie van de prachtexpo HEY YOU! momenteel in 1646. Tekst en beeld van Jack Segbars.



Jack Segbars
left to right
Brak 2.7, gerlach en koop and Martijn in ’t Veld, 2012, Brak 4.1, Remco Torenbosch and Nickel van Duijvenboden, 2012, Brak 3, Frédéric Sanchez, 2012, Brak 2.7, gerlach en koop and Martijn in ’t Veld, 2012, Brak 1, Evi Vingerling and Ton Schuttelaar, 2012
photographic print on dibond




Jack Segbars
How to look out, 2012
Pencil on paper


Nickel van Duijvenboden
June 9, 2011, page 2: Is this phase a phase, or is this truly who we are and will we forever keep our friends and our momentum?, 2013
Gelatin-silver print, retouche ink, glass

September 8, 2012, page 2: …that being without a context was unbearable / …that you reach a dead end eventually / That at some point you lose control, 2013
Gelatin-silver print, retouche ink, glass

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Marijn van Kreij
Untitled (Tags: ReadyPost, 0409, Go Folks, Go Forth, Trust Your Brain, Trust Your Body), 2013



Jack Segbars
Brothers in arms, 2010-2011
Acrylic on canvas


Marijn van Kreij
Untitled (Zwart vierkant, 1915), 2011
Acrylic on paper


Nickel van Duijvenboden
Notes of 2011, Superimposed (in progress), 2012
Typewriter ink, paper, metal


Jack Segbars
No agency, 2012
Acrylic on canvas




Jack Segbars
Leftovers, Misère, No More, once more, 2012
used tape, acrylics



1646 01


an exhibition by Jack Segbars with Marijn van Kreij and Nickel van Duijvenboden

In this show at 1646 Jack Segbars takes as starting point for exploration and production two strands of his practice: curatorship and writing. Mostly regarded as derivatives and servant to the figure of artist and artwork, those two practices are here put in contrast with the idea and notion of the originality of artwork and authorship.

Setting off from a review that appeared in Metropolis M and written by Segbars about Marijn van Kreij’s exhibition How to look out in De Hallen (Haarlem), a complex play develops, addressing the intertwined relations between, on one hand, production, tradition and reflection and, on the other: originality, authorship and appropriation.

Next to this the role and position of curator is adressed by presenting a series of photographs of exhibitions of which Segbars was the curator (Brak-exhibitions at Duende Rotterdam).

The set-up for an exploration into this greyish, vague transitory environment is completed by Nickel van Duijvenboden, who wrote an article in the publication that was produced for the show in Haarlem.
 Both Van Kreij and Van Duijvenboden have been invited to continue work from this starting point.
 In this constellation the positions of producer, appropriator, appropriated and the status and authorship of the artwork and artist are put to test.

You in the title Hey you! seemingly addresses someone in particular, it remains however ambivalent who is meant by you or who or what is speaking: it might equally be the artist as well as the public, mediator or critic; and, maybe even more unsettling: the artwork.

1646 The Hague
25 JAN – 23 FEB 2013


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