Watching (over) me @ Kunstenlab, Deventer

Watching (over) me @ Kunstenlab Deventer

4-03, 2014 Niels Post 0

Front 404, PanoptICONS. Groepstentoonstelling met daarin een vijfentwintigtal werken die gaan over privacy en/of digitale media. Met werk van Sylvain Vriens, Front 404, Thijs Linssen, Jeroen van Loon, Joyce Overheul, Niels Post, Harco Rutgers, Astrid [Meer…]

James Kalm @ Chuck Close

James Kalm @ Chuck Close

4-03, 2014 Niels Post 0

“Admiring the rigor and discipline of Close‘s huge painted portrait’s, your reporter was always curious about the extended focus of other aspects of the artist’s practice. Having heard accounts of “Big Nude”, a massive early [Meer…]

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