Matthew Plummer Fernandez

Matthew Plummer Fernandez

    Every Mickey, 2017.
    SLS Nylon, Acrylic Paint, STL File. 50.688 x 23.858 x 49.376 cm.

    “Every model of Mickey Mouse found online, compiled as one.”

Matthew Plummer Fernandez

    Token Homes, 2018.
    ABSplus (on a Fortus 900mc) , Acrylic Paint, STL File.

    “A housing estate of miniature investment units; no longer designed to ‘house’ people, these become commodities for buying and selling, with unit-prices backed and pegged to the house market prices for the area in which the sculpture is situated.

    See the BBC article on Token Homes for a good description of this project.”

Matthew Plummer Fernandez

    Peak Simulator, 2015.
    CNC machined marine plywood, polypropylene film. 13 x 2 x 1 metres

    “Located in Grizedale Sculpture Park, for Abandon Normal Devices.

    A computer generated landscape in a landscape.

    In the early eighties the film industry began to adopt computer graphics, and the first film to use a computer generated landscape was Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan in 1982. Peak Simulator was designed with the same Midpoint Displacement algorithm.”

    Image credit: Lucy Barker

Matthew Plummer Fernandez

    Analogue Website, 2007.
    Train set, webcam, laptop, paper.

    “Despite being the fastest growing space in the world, the internet is still an abstract, intangible space. This website is a physical space that is accessed via the internet by means of a webcam on a train track, allowing it to navigate to different handmade pages. After many web crashes (train derailments) the project is scheduled to be revised.”

About Niels Post 3658 Articles
Niels Post is beeldend kunstenaar en actief als mede-oprichter van Hij is opgeleid aan de AKI in Enschede en het San Francisco Art Institute. Zijn werk is wereldwijd te zien geweest op videofestivals, tentoonstellingen en als zelfinitiatief in de openbare ruimte. Spam, computer gegenereerde tekst die niemand wil maar die overal opduikt, vormt de laatste jaren het basismateriaal van zijn beroepspraktijk. Post gebruikt het voor interventies op leegstaande winkelramen, wandsculpturen en ruimtevullende installaties.

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