
Dutch Entrances to Hell

23-04, 2008 Jeroen Bosch 3

“Bergschenhoek is placed in an area of artificial hills and holes. Here the subterraneans made a feeble attempt at recreating the Verdun WW-I landscape, but they failed miserably.” “12 Dutch entrances are known per 10 [Meer…]


Art Brussels 2008

23-04, 2008 Jeroen Bosch 0

(Foto’s Marcha van den Hurk.) Femke Schaap @ Metis “Hierbij nog wat plaatjes van art brussel van voor de opening. Beetje laat eigenlijk want [eer]gisteren was het afgelopen.”


Kim Rugg

22-04, 2008 Jeroen Bosch 0

“kim rugg reorganizes the information on newspapers: the letters in headlines and text are arranged alphabetically and the images ordered by pixel color.” (Via Iheartphotograph.)

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