
Corey Arnold

18-04, 2009 Niels Post 0

“Corey Arnold is a photographer and Alaskan commercial fisherman. During the winter, he can be found aboard the F/V Rollo in the Bering Sea and more recently catching salmon in Bristol Bay. The off season [Meer…]

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Ivan Sutherland’s sketchpad

16-04, 2009 Niels Post 0

Tekenen op een computer, ooit was er een eerste keer. Fragment uit een lezing van Alan Kay, de hele lezing (o.a. Doug Engelbart de uitvinder van de computermuis komt aan bod) staat bij de Internet [Meer…]


Entrances to Hell around the UK

14-04, 2009 Niels Post 1

“Although it is an extremely exhausting process, his ability to swim through soil means that the devil will, on occasion, create temporary entrances. These will eventually be filled in by the local County Council but [Meer…]

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