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Rothko boek door zoon

12-12, 2015 Niels Post 0

“[…] But in an email describing himself before a recent meeting at a Times Square restaurant, Rothko the son said he would be easy to spot because “I usually look like I could use a [Meer…]

Melanie Bonajo @ Incubate/Do It With Others

Melanie Bonajo @ Incubate/Do It With Others

10-12, 2015 Niels Post 0

Melanie Bonajo was een van de gastkunstenaars tijdens het afgelopen Incubate festival in Tilburg. Een afsluitende video van haar project staat sinds kort online. Een verslag van de hele werkperiode vindt u bij:

Meet the Earthship

Meet the Earthship

9-12, 2015 Niels Post 0

“Outside of Taos, New Mexico, you’ll find a community of people living in off-grid homes made of garbage. The homes are called Earthships and were invented by Michael Reynolds.”

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