MoMA’s digitale kunst kluis

MoMA’s digitale kunst kluis

17-04, 2015 Niels Post 0

“Just as a VHS tape is useless without a VCR, a digital video file is useless without some kind of software that understands how to interpret and play it, or tell you something about its [Meer…]

Matisse gerestaureerd

Matisse gerestaureerd

6-10, 2014 Niels Post 0

‘One morning in the summer of 1952, Matisse told his studio assistant and secretary Lydia Delectorskaya that “he wanted to see divers,” so they set out to a favorite pool in Cannes. Suffering under the [Meer…]

Louis Raemaekers

Tegen de Tariefwet @ MoMA tv

19-10, 2013 Niels Post 1

Design curator Juliet Kinchin duidt protestgrafiek van Louis Raemaekers. Lees die wiki, buitengewoon bijzonder, na zijn overlijden in 1956 schreef de New York Times onder andere: “Het is gezegd dat Louis Raemaekers de enige privépersoon [Meer…]

Bij de lijstenmaker

Bij de lijstenmaker

3-09, 2013 Niels Post 0

“[…]it’s undeniable that a frame can make a huge difference in the way you perceive a work of art. Here, Peter talks about the complex and detailed process of designing a new frame for this [Meer…]

Nam June Paik

Een Nam June Paik gerestaureerd

13-05, 2013 Niels Post 0

“The work is either a conservator’s nightmare or a conservator’s dream, having every potential problem, from obsolescent exhibition and playback equipment to outdated video technology. Equally important, I was aware of the conceptual challenges linked [Meer…]

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