Putt-Putt Perfection

Putt-Putt Perfection

5-03, 2014 Niels Post 0

“How often do you get to be a part of history?” “The story of IT manager Rick Baird’s legendary round of perfect putt-putt golf, only the third score of 18 in the Professional Putters Association‘s [Meer…]

James Kalm @ Chuck Close

James Kalm @ Chuck Close

4-03, 2014 Niels Post 0

“Admiring the rigor and discipline of Close‘s huge painted portrait’s, your reporter was always curious about the extended focus of other aspects of the artist’s practice. Having heard accounts of “Big Nude”, a massive early [Meer…]


This is an Art Project

28-02, 2014 Jeroen Bosch 0

Must see. De conceptueel performatieve kunsten ietwat overdreven maar toch buitengemeen effectief onderuit geschoffeld op hilarische doch doeltreffende wijze. (Via HA, youtube na de klik.)

The gentle art of forgery

The gentle art of forgery

25-02, 2014 Niels Post 0

“In his lifetime the great french impressionist painter Corot painted 2000 canvasses, of that number more than 3000 are in the United States.” Uit de oude doos, meestervervalser David Stein uitgebreid aan het woord in [Meer…]


Painters painting

15-02, 2014 Jeroen Bosch 0

Barnett Newman in een gekke broek en met een lekker glaasje drinken in de hand “For his 1972 movie Painters Painting: The New York Art Scene 1940-1970, De Antonio managed to get artists like Warhol, [Meer…]

Bruce Asbestos maal duizend

Bruce Asbestos maal duizend

3-02, 2014 Niels Post 2

“Asbestos released 1,000 video pieces on YouTube at once yesterday–a deluge of idiosyncratic clips that took us some time to make sense of.” Nieuw project van de enige kunstenaar met asbest in zijn paspoort, duizend [Meer…]

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